Aus: Kurz danach gestorben, auch nicht nett. Einige der Zuschauer hätten ihn theoretisch noch retten können (Schätzung), z.B. eine entsprechende junge Schwarze ist mir aufgefallen. Auch egal, ist ja reversibel.
”The African Kontinjient will not go Peace.”
The German Police went for hemp instead for the Money Mass Murderers (Siemens sabotaged our Oases-Projekt for German-African Friendship), and therefore must die, pie pie pie. I´m in rich discussion with the police, they said the constitution is: If you kill one cop, you must kill all. Understanden. Trust me, I know them. Then when they have convincing final threat by the people, police must surrender to (my) Scientific Inquisition (which is in democratic progress). Next months I´ll ask for police cooperation. Then no police deaths are necessary. Diplomatic Order by Armageddon-Thomas. Also in the name of the German National Socialist Party (after kicking out Hitler because of wrong superhuman theory).
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